Home » Newsletter – Resource Flyers for Fredericton – Spring 2021

Newsletter – Resource Flyers for Fredericton – Spring 2021

by Lindsay.Demerchant

Looking for Services – We’ve Got the Info

Through my constituency office,I often meet people who are looking for help with some of the most basic needs: housing, food or work. Years ago, one of the many interns who worked in my office saw that people were coming again and again with these same needs. She dreamed up a brilliant solution: assemble a resource flyer that listed the community’s resources for those seeking help.

The Resource Flyers have been updated numerous times and are still in circulation. We are happy to provide them to any organization that can use them for their own clients. Every year more information is added as more organizations ask to be part of the list. If you or your organization would like some flyers, or want to be added to the flyers, feel free to contact our Constituency Coordinator at taeyon.kim@gnb.ca or call the office at 455-0936.

Thanks Katie Beers for making the original flyers so many years ago!

If you don’t find the help you’re looking for in the flyers, there is a new centralized resource that can connect you with all the human and health services in our community: 211 NB is the bilingual infoline to help you find whatever you need. Give them a call, 211, and they can direct you to the right resource.