Home » Rental review shows it is imperative for government to modernize Residential Tenancies Act

Rental review shows it is imperative for government to modernize Residential Tenancies Act

by Josh O'Donnell

Press Release

May 7, 2021

Rental review shows it is imperative for government to modernize Residential Tenancies Act

FREDERICTON – The Provincial government’s “Review of the Rental Landscape” reaffirms the need for urgent action to protect those on low and fixed incomes from unexpected, unreasonable rent increases, according to Green Party leader and MLA for Fredericton South David Coon.  But the Green leader wants legislative action this Spring.

“Legislation to protect tenants against unreasonable rent increases and prohibit more than one rent increase in a year, must be tabled in the Legislature in the coming weeks,” said Coon.  “Tenants need to be protected now.  It has been two and a half years since I tabled our bill to modernize the Residential Tenancies Act to bring it in line with the safeguards available to tenants in other provinces.  The Legislative Assembly must sit this Spring until the Residential Tenancies Act is amended.”

Coon’s bill recognized many of the same problems that the government’s review found, such as the poor condition of rental units, the ability for New Brunswick landlords to raise rent multiple times in one year, that tenants often don’t know their rights under the Act, and extraordinary high heating costs in units that are poorly maintained.

“This report outlines the major barriers low income tenants face to remaining housed and proves that the status quo is not acceptable,” said Coon. “If government fails to introduce its own legislation this Spring, I am hoping that my bill to protect tenants from unreasonable rent increases will be supported by MLAs from all parties.”

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