Home » Premier’s cancellation of First Nation Gas Tax Agreements end pretense of reconciliation

Premier’s cancellation of First Nation Gas Tax Agreements end pretense of reconciliation

by Liane

April 13, 2021

Premier’s cancellation of First Nation Gas Tax Agreements end pretense of reconciliation

FREDERICTON – The Premier’s decision to end tax sharing arrangements with First Nations is the final nail in the coffin of what remained of the relationship between the Government of New Brunswick and the Wolastoqiyik and Mi’Kmaq, according to Green Party Leader and MLA for Fredericton South David Coon.

“The tax-sharing agreements provide essential revenue to support economic development and job creation in First Nation communities.  The loss of $44 million to First Nation community governments from the gas taxes collected by First Nation businesses will undermine the budgets of many,” said Coon.

“Rather than address his concerns through the re-negotiation of the agreements, government to government, the Premier is rejecting them, just as he rejected the need for an inquiry into systemic racism, or the need to write indigenous rights into the Crown Lands and Forests Act.  Under this government, any hope for reconciliation has evaporated,” said Coon.

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