The Regional Development Corporation (RDC) initiated The Community Investment Fund (CIF) in 2019 to support events organized by local community organizations and help them build organizational capacity. Each organization’s application is reviewed by RDC staff, the local MLA is consulted regarding their support of the application, and up to fifty thousand dollars may be allocated among organizations in each riding.
Community Investment Funds in our riding have purchased kitchen appliances for Jobs Unlimited, a walk-in freezer for the Community Kitchen, computers for the Boys and Girls Club, and support for an outdoor classroom for the community at the Montgomery St. Elementary School, among other things. You may have noticed the new mural on the old horse barns at the NBEX. That was Community Investment Fund money at work as well. Talk about enhancing existing community assets!
Last year a special COVID-19 fund was added to the Community Investment Fund to help organizations adapt to public health rules. This meant that more than $100,000 was distributed to community organizations in Fredericton South last year, much of it from the COVID fund.
If you are a community non-profit organization with an upcoming event, have a need for new equipment, or are seeking support to enhance our community, please make an application to the Community Investment Fund. You can find more information and apply here.