Motion – Guaranteed Livable Income

Implementing a Guaranteed Livable Income program, beginning with social assistance recipients as has been done in PEI, would attack poverty head-on by ensuring that individuals and families have the financial means to meet their basic needs.

David Coon

WHEREAS, despite the government’s social assistance reform, New Brunswick’s social assistance rates are still the lowest in Canada for all household categories;

WHEREAS social assistance recipients in New Brunswick are still living well below the poverty line and in deep poverty, struggling to meet their basic needs and attain a decent standard of living;

WHEREAS the Higgs government’s austerity measures led to six consecutive surpluses, including a surplus of over $1 billion for the fiscal year 2022-23;

WHEREAS implementing a guaranteed livable income program for social assistance recipients would eliminate poverty by ensuring that individuals and families have the financial means to meet their basic needs;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Legislative Assembly urge the government to take immediate action to develop a strategy to implement a guaranteed livable income program in consultation with experts, social assistance recipients, and advocacy groups.