**The video is only in English.
I give notice that on March 21, 2019 I shall move the following resolution, seconded by the member from Kent North:
WHEREAS the practice of conversion therapy attempts to change one’s sexual orientation;
WHEREAS the Canadian Psychological Association affirms “[s]cientific research does not support the efficacy of conversion or reparative therapy”;
WHEREAS the Canadian Paediatric Society states”[c]onversion or reparative therapy, where attempts are made to turn gay males or lesbians into heterosexuals, is clearly unethical and should not be provided by physicians, nor should physicians refer patients for such therapy”;
WHEREAS it is widely accepted that conversion therapy has had damaging impacts on members of the LGBTQ+ community and youth;
WHEREAS jurisdictions across the country and continent have taken action to prohibit the provision of conversion therapy and referral to conversion therapy services;
The Motion urges the government to :
- Prohibit the provision of conversion therapy in New Brunswick;
- Prohibit referrals to conversion therapy services in New Brunswick or in an out-of-province jurisdiction;
- Prohibit the use of public funds to provide access to or otherwise support conversion therapy services in New Brunswick or in an out-of-province jurisdiction.