Motion – Cell Phone Coverage
Unfortunately, cell phone coverage remains inconsistent across New Brunswick, with many rural areas experiencing inadequate or unreliable cellular network service, rendering rural New Brunswickers vulnerable during times of climate-related emergencies.
Kevin Arseneau
WHEREAS New Brunswick is already experiencing the effects of climate change, including but not limited to extreme weather events, such as more frequent and severe storms, hurricanes, flooding, droughts, and forest fires;
WHEREAS effective communication during climate-related emergencies is vital to ensure public safety and minimize the impact of climate-related disasters;
WHEREAS access to cellphone coverage remains inconsistent across New Brunswick, with numerous rural areas experiencing inadequate or unreliable cellular network service, rendering rural New Brunswickers vulnerable during times of climate-related emergencies;
WHEREAS cellphones and wireless communication provide a crucial means of broadcasting timely and life-saving information to the public during emergencies, such as evacuation notices, weather alerts, and safety instructions;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Legislative Assembly urge the government to take immediate action to guarantee provincewide cellphone coverage, including the implementation of necessary public infrastructure and financial investments to ensure reliable network connectivity.