Home » It’s Time for Premier Higgs to Stand Down on French Immersion Changes

It’s Time for Premier Higgs to Stand Down on French Immersion Changes

by Intern Two

FREDERICTON – The Higgs government’s consultations on ending French Immersion concluded this week, with over  1000 New Brunswickers having participated. Green Party Leader and MLA for Fredericton South David Coon attended  the consultation session in his riding where teachers and parents from a crowd of 300 unanimously voiced their  opposition to Premier Higgs’ plan. 

“It is apparent to everyone that the Premier was prepared to upend the education system, to satisfy his personal  obsession with eliminating French immersion,” said Coon. “Parents and teachers have spoken with one voice. Higgs  must stand down.” 

Megan Mitton, the MLA for Memramcook-Tantramar, attended the consultations in Moncton and Fredericton in  person, as well as one of the online consultations. 

“I am so proud of the teachers, parents, and community members who have spoken up against Premier Higgs’ plan  and made it clear that New Brunswickers do not want these changes,” said Mitton. “Their voices appear to have  pushed the Premier and Education Minister Bill Hogan to slowly back down on their proposal to end French  Immersion. Now, they just need to announce that they are scrapping the current plan and re-open French Immersion  registration for the fall.”