September 29, 2022
Green Party Leader Statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
FREDERICTON – Ahead of the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Green Party leader and MLA for Fredericton South David Coon, says he hopes New Brunswickers will take this significant opportunity to learn about the history and legacy of residential schools.
“Truth and Reconciliation Day is a time to remember the cultural genocide perpetrated on Indigenous people in Canada by the Indian Residential School system,” said Coon. “It is a significant opportunity for all New Brunswickers to learn about the history and legacy of residential schools, while honouring survivors, their families and communities.”
Coon will be attending two events in Fredericton to mark the day. At 10:00am, he will attend a Day of Remembrance ceremony hosted by Sitansisk (St. Mary’s First Nation) at the Old Reserve (540 Union Street). At 2:00pm, he will contribute to the discussion at the Every Child Matters ceremony to be held at the old burial grounds, near Government House (51 Woodstock Road).
“I hope that everyone who is able, takes the time to attend events in their communities today,” said Coon. “For next year, I want to see Truth and Reconciliation Day become a public holiday, so that all New Brunswickers can participate in activities to mark the day, not only government employees.”
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