November 18, 2019
Green MLAs Bring Forward Their Priorities for New Legislative Session
Fredericton – New Brunswick’s Green Caucus lays out its top priorities for the upcoming legislative session that begins on Tuesday. The top priorities of the three Green MLAs are improving access to primary health care, lifting people out of poverty, and strengthening community-led development.
“We need to change our culture with regards to poverty. In our country, where there is enough for all, having enough should not be regarded as a privilege but as a right. Shelter, security, food, and health are human rights,” says David Coon, Leader of the Green Party of NB and MLA for Fredericton-South. “I stand committed to increasing social assistance rates and piloting a Basic Income Guarantee program in order to provide liveable incomes. All New Brunswickers should have enough money to meet their basic needs.”
“Access to health care has been and continues to be a key priority for me and my caucus colleagues. We believe that every New Brunswicker has a right to timely access to primary health care. Community health centres are one proven way of bringing many primary care practitioners, including mental health professionals, under the same roof to provide wrap around services,” says Megan Mitton, MLA for Memramcook-Tantramar and Green Health Critic. “These centres are meant to provide primary health care and alleviate hospital wait times, rather than replace hospitals. They are proven ways of ensuring timely access to care in New Brunswick.”
“To take charge of our economic future, we must look for our opportunities at the local level, starting with the natural resources and skill sets we have here in this province. Giving hand-outs to large private companies does not help build resilient communities. By shifting just 10% of our spending to buy New Brunswick made products, we would add $1.8 billion to our provincial economy,” says Kevin Arseneau, MLA for Kent-North and Green advocate on matters of strengthening communities and cultures. “We can strengthen our local economies through community-led development, but we need a government who will support and assist community-based initiatives.”