Home » Coon Challenges Premier Higgs: Time to Honour our Treaties with First Nation in New Brunswick

Coon Challenges Premier Higgs: Time to Honour our Treaties with First Nation in New Brunswick

by Jill

June 21, 2024

FREDERICTON – On National Indigenous Peoples Day, Green Party leader David Coon says that New Brunswick needs a government that will treat Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey and Passamaquoddy people as partners in a nation-to-nation relationship.

“Premier Higgs has repeatedly broken the trust of indigenous people in our province – refusing an inquiry into systemic racism and fighting the Wolastoquey in court,” stated Coon. “This is not leadership. Leadership is showing up to the table and negotiating in good faith.”

As a first step in a new nation-to-nation relationship Coon is committed to negotiating a new framework for Crown lands management with First Nations based on shared management that would replace the outdated Crown Lands and Forests Act.

“It’s time to recognize that the use of this land is governed by the Peace and Friendship Treaties and it has never been ceded or surrendered,” Coon emphasized. “With First Nations partners, we need a new deal for Crown forests with a focus on long-term stewardship an shared management.”
